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Affiliate Booster V4.0 Annual Deal, ⚡ Best Gutenberg Plugin For Affiliates

Increase your blog's CTR and boost sales with Affiliate Booster V4.0 Annual Deal. This Gutenberg plugin enhances your posts with conversion-optimized elements.

AffiliateBooster is a plugin designed by a seasoned affiliate marketer, offering a range of features in one comprehensive package. With this plugin, users can streamline their blog by eliminating the need for multiple plugins and focusing on content creation instead. The plugin includes over 28 ready-made designs, allowing users to save time and effort in creating visually appealing websites. It also offers user-friendly controls with multiple editing options, ensuring that the blocks can be customized to meet individual preferences and choices.

One of the major highlights of AffiliateBooster is its versatility. Users can use the blocks provided by the plugin to promote various services, products, software, or anything else they desire. The blocks can be utilized for multiple purposes, making them a valuable asset for any website. Additionally, the plugin ensures that the websites created are tablet and mobile-friendly, allowing users to reach a wider audience without extra effort.

Another advantage of AffiliateBooster is its user-friendly interface. Users do not need any coding knowledge to build professional-looking pages. The plugin provides fully customizable blocks that can be easily aligned with design ideas. Users have the option to adjust typography, image settings, icons, colors, and more.

Within the WordPress Editor, AffiliateBooster offers additional benefits. It enables users to create compelling affiliate designs quickly by providing prebuilt and custom content sections and full-page layouts. The plugin enhances the Gutenberg editor by introducing more content blocks and a layout selector, maximizing the value of the block-based editor.

AffiliateBooster is suitable for both beginners and professionals. It empowers users to create professional-looking websites confidently with ready-made designs and intuitive page-building tools.

The plugin offers various blocks to cater to different needs, such as Single Product, Pros and Cons, List Items, Notifications, Comparison Table, Call To Action, Coupons, Progress Bar, Conclusion, and many more.

In the premium version 4.0, AffiliateBooster introduces major fixes to address bugs and issues reported by users. It eradicates console errors to provide a smoother backend experience. The plugin also enhances performance by removing unwanted API calls, resulting in faster loading times. It ensures compatibility with the latest WordPress update and resolves CSS conflicts that may have affected certain blocks.

As for pricing, users can avail of the AffiliateBooster annual deal for $39 per year. This deal includes features such as a Single Sites License, Comparison Table, Top Picked Block, Good Bad Block, Notice Block, Call to Action Block, Table of Content Block, Coupon Block, Star Rating Block, Button Block, Conclusion Block, Progress Bar Block, Single Product Block, Pros and Cons Block, Notification Block, and List Items Block. There are also options for a 25 Sites License for $49 per year and a 50 Sites License for $69 per year.

With AffiliateBooster, users can optimize their affiliate marketing efforts by leveraging the plugin's comprehensive set of features and user-friendly interface.