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Eagle App Lifetime Deal, 🎯 Your Ultimate Digital Asset Manager!

Revolutionize your design workflow with Eagle, the ultimate digital asset manager! Efficiently organize images and ideas with style. Grab the lifetime deal now!

Eagle is an asset management tool that is trusted by top-notch design teams worldwide. It allows users to collect, search, and organize design files in one place. With Eagle's browser extensions, users can easily save images from any website. Organizing assets is made more efficient with Eagle, eliminating the need for creating numerous folders and performing countless cut-and-paste actions. Finding assets is also seamless, regardless of the number or location of the files.

Here are the major highlights of Eagle:

  • Tag Management: Classify and organize tags seamlessly.
  • Hierarchical Folder: Classify assets in a high performance and logical way.
  • Smart Folder: Automatically find and organize files based on search criteria.
  • Auto-tagging: Set default tags on folders that apply to any assets added within.

Eagle supports various file formats, making it easy to import and organize images, GIFs, audio files, and fonts. Users can also sync their files through Google Drive or Dropbox, simplifying sharing and collaboration among team members.

Use cases for Eagle include:

  • Design teams can easily collect, search, and organize design assets in one place.
  • Individuals or teams can streamline their asset management process, saving time and increasing efficiency.
  • Users can easily find and access the right assets when needed, improving productivity.

For a limited time, you can get a lifetime license of Eagle App for just $29.95. This offer includes no subscription fees and free updates. Educational discounts are also available. Each license can be used for two devices and is compatible with both Windows and Mac systems (requires macOS 10.13+ or Windows 7+ 64bit).

Don't miss out on this amazing deal to fuel all your creative projects with Eagle. Get your lifetime license now!