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Skola Events Lifetime Deal, 👩‍🏫 Build Communities, Courses, Group Coaching Programs & Masterminds

Skola Events Lifetime Deal: Save time, money, and headaches with Skola Groups. Unify your digital products for building communities, courses, group coaching programs, and masterminds.

Skola Groups is an online tool that allows you to deliver various coaching programs, create discussion groups, charge subscription fees, and manage communities. With Skola Groups, you can engage with your clients and audience, offer mini-courses and challenges, and deliver high-ticket masterminds. The tool also enables you to transfer your community groups from Facebook and manage them more effectively.

Here are the major highlights of Skola Groups:

  • Group Coaching Programs: Deliver high-ticket coaching programs using discussion communities, training, and a calendar.
  • Free Groups: Run free public or private discussion groups and upsell your audience to the full program.
  • Subscription Groups: Charge a subscription fee for courses and training, and integrate with external software.
  • Masterminds: Engage in discussions, deliver content, and schedule meeting events for your high-ticket masterminds.
  • Communities: Manage, notify, engage, and connect with your audience using the Skola Groups interface. Sell packages, support customers, and grow your community.
  • Product Creation: Fuel the growth of your product with a dedicated community group. Interact with students, gather suggestions, and schedule live sessions.
  • Drip Feed Training: Deliver training content through drip feeding or all at once. Customize lessons and create a virtual learning experience.
  • Schedule Workshops: Update your workshop schedule within the group coaching area, automatically enroll students, and release replays.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate with your favorite funnel, checkout, or meeting software to manage everything in one place.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Track the activity and responsiveness of your students.

Now, let's move on to the use cases of Skola Groups:

  • Coaches and Instructors: Skola Groups provides a comprehensive platform for coaches and instructors to deliver their programs, engage with students, and manage their communities.
  • Online Entrepreneurs: Utilize Skola Groups to create a thriving online community, gather feedback on products, and schedule live sessions with your audience.
  • Content Creators: Drip feed training content, interact with students, and improve your product based on their suggestions.
  • Workshop Organizers: Easily manage your workshop schedule, enroll participants, and provide replays.

Special Offer: Use Code SKOLA300 to Get $300 OFF. With this discount, get the Skola Events lifetime deal for $195 instead of $495. The deal includes unlimited events and attendees, in-person and live-streamed events, payment processing, event lobby, custom design and branding, and advanced analytics.

Additionally, you can get the Skola - All Access Pass for free for 30 days, then $47 per month. This pass includes features such as bump offers, community groups, in-depth sales analytics, automated price sync, sponsorship and booths, coupon codes, and ongoing workshops. Visit this link to get the deal: Click here