Content Marketing
AI Deals

SurgeGraph Longform AI ✦ All-in-One SEO & AI Platform

SurgeGraph: Boost Your Content Velocity & Google Ranking with AI-powered SEO Writing. Generate Long-form Content in Minutes, Grow Traffic Fast. All-in-One SEO & AI Platform.

SurgeGraph is an SEO AI writing tool that aims to help you publish great content and grow your traffic, fast. Here are the major highlights of SurgeGraph:

  • All-In-One Platform For SEO and AI: SurgeGraph offers a full suite of SEO and AI tools in one platform. From keyword research to content writing and optimizing, SurgeGraph has everything you need for on-page SEO.

  • Writes Content That is Better Than The Top 10: SurgeGraph's Longform AI researches the top 10 pages and applies their winning strategies to your own content, making it better and increasing your chances of ranking in the top 10.

  • Generates Research-Backed Content That Requires Minimal Editing: With NLP techniques, Longform AI writes superior-quality content that flows logically and presents information in an easy-to-read format. It covers a wide range of topics, making your content helpful and engaging for readers.

  • Automatically Optimizes Your Content For SEO: SurgeGraph's Auto-Optimizer automates the process of optimizing your content for SEO. It optimizes your title and URL slug, inserts keywords, outbound links, and text decorations, saving you time and effort.

  • Creates Stunning Images That Skyrockets Your CTR: SurgeGraph's Content Vision generates topic-relevant, eye-catching AI images that will entice your readers and boost your Click-Through Rates.

  • Allows Granular Control of Your Content On Every Level: SurgeGraph's Expert Command allows you to fine-tune specific elements of your content. You can add tables, bullet lists, and paragraphs for better readability, and insert statistics and citations for enhanced credibility.

  • Accelerates Your Content Velocity For Topical Authority: Longform AI writes over 2,800 words for you in under 2 minutes on average. This means you can generate and publish hundreds of content every month, establishing your website as the Topical Authority of your niche.

Here are some use cases for SurgeGraph:

  • Bloggers and Content Writers can use SurgeGraph to create high-quality, optimized content that ranks well in search engines and attracts more traffic to their websites.

  • SEO Professionals can benefit from SurgeGraph's comprehensive suite of SEO tools to research keywords, optimize content, and track the performance of their SEO campaigns.

  • Digital Marketers can use SurgeGraph to quickly generate content for their marketing campaigns, saving time and effort.

  • Website Owners can leverage SurgeGraph to enhance their website's visibility in search engine results and improve their overall online presence.

🎁 Get the SurgeGraph annual deal for $49.92 per month. This includes full access to SurgeGraph, unlimited documents and word count (AI), unlimited keyword research, 30,000 bulk keyword research, unlimited Planner projects, unlimited report exports, 7 free e-books (worth $461), 60 Content Vision credits (one-time), and 100 Product AI articles (monthly).

⚡ Feature Add-on: Content Vision is available for additional credits per month. You can choose from 500 credits for $5 per month, 1,100 credits for $10 per month, or 2,700 credits for $25 per month.

📢 Get this deal for as low as $19.69 per month when you purchase the 36-month plan.