Lifetime Deals

Assist-Ant for Windows Lifetime Deal,

Streamline your writing tasks with Assist-Ant for Windows Lifetime Deal. Say goodbye to repetitive writing with this ultimate template management system.

Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to reusable templates with Assist-Ant. This online tool automatically opens the save template window, allowing you to add comments, hashtags, and select a private or shared repository to save the template in. Assist-Ant supports all file types, from standalone images to rich text documents and even PDFs and PowerPoints. Expand your productivity beyond just text by inserting entire files directly into your work, including PDFs, Word documents, images, and Excel tables. The centralized repository management and search panel make it easy to find and share templates with your team.

Major Highlights:

  • Reusable templates
  • Support for all file types
  • Insert entire files into your work
  • Centralized repository management
  • Search panel for easy template sharing

Use Cases:

  • Streamline document creation
  • Collaborate with team members efficiently
  • Save time on repetitive tasks
  • Organize templates effectively

Deal Pricing:

  • Assist-Ant for Windows lifetime deal for $19
  • Tier-2 lifetime license for $38 (includes collaboration with team)
  • Tier-3 lifetime license for $57 (for 3 users)
  • Stack up to 10 codes for $190 (includes 10 users)