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Lifetime Deals

BrainStormGPT Lifetime Deal,

Generate meeting reports effortlessly with BrainStormGPT. Utilize multi-agent, LLM & auto-search for streamlined topic conversion. Get the lifetime deal now!

BrainStormGPT is an innovative online tool that offers a wide range of features to assist users in various tasks. The tool utilizes advanced Algorithms and AI to provide users with valuable insights and recommendations.

Major Highlights:

  • Marketing Plan Mode: Focuses on market research and marketing strategies.
  • Any Topic Mode: Offers customized topic requirements and project plans.
  • Custom Topics: Provides personalized meeting reports based on user interests.
  • User-Defined Roles: Allows users to create new roles with background information.
  • Support For Agent Definition & Background Upload: Define and upload custom character backgrounds.
  • Automatic Search Engine: Utilizes advanced Algorithms and AI for swift data navigation.
  • LLM: Provides multiple language models for seamless conversation across languages.

Use Cases:

  • Generate marketing strategies and research for products/services.
  • Create customized project plans and topic requirements.
  • Receive personalized meeting reports based on interests.
  • Define user roles and upload custom character backgrounds.
  • Utilize advanced search engine for quick data navigation.
  • Engage in seamless conversations across multiple languages with LLM.

🎁 Get the BrainStormGPT lifetime deal for $29.99 including features such as Marketing Plan Mode, Any Topic Mode, Custom Topics, User-Defined Roles, Support For Agent Definition & Background Upload, Automatic Search Engine, and LLM.