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Lifetime Deals

Capsule Lifetime Free Deal, | AI Video Editor for Teams

Create professional videos effortlessly with Capsule's Lifetime Free Deal. AI-powered editing makes it 10x easier and faster. Perfect for teams!

Capsule is an online tool designed for teams that need to create professional, brand-aligned videos quickly and easily. With powerful AI features and video design systems, Capsule is ideal for content teams at media agencies, marketing teams at startups and large corporations, and any team looking to scale their video content production.

Major Highlights:

  • Supports MP4 and MOV file formats
  • Optimized for videos under 5 minutes, can handle videos up to 30 minutes
  • AI-driven tools like Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT4-turbo: LLM ensure data safety and integrity
  • Unlimited collaborators
  • Up to 3 projects
  • Stock motion design systems
  • AI Co-Producer™
  • Animated titles, captions, B-roll

Use Cases:

  • Create brand-aligned videos quickly and easily
  • Scale video content production efficiently
  • Remove production bottlenecks
  • Collaborate with team members seamlessly
  • Access AI-driven tools for enhanced video creation

🎁 Get the Capsule lifetime deal for free with unlimited collaborators, up to 3 projects, stock motion design systems, AI Co-Producer™, and animated titles, captions, B-roll. No coupon code needed.