AI Deals

ChatDox Lifetime Deal,

Get ChatDox Lifetime Deal now! Utilize ChatDox AI to converse with your documents. Upload (.pdf,txt,docx,csv) and query your personal document assistant.

Chatdox is an AI-powered document and YouTube video management tool that simplifies the process of finding information within your files. By leveraging cutting-edge technology like Chat GPT 3.5 and 4, Chatdox ensures accurate and efficient answers to your queries, reducing search time from hours to minutes.

Major Highlights:

  • Get instant answers from PDF, DOCX, TXT, CSV files, and YouTube videos.
  • Chatdox's digital library streamlines document management for quick retrieval.
  • Multilingual support for seamless document analysis.
  • Chat with YouTube videos for summaries, explanations, plots, and subtitles.

Use Cases:

  • Quickly find specific information within your documents.
  • Reduce errors in document search and discover new insights.
  • Streamline document organization and retrieval.
  • Enhance language understanding and processing capabilities.

🎁 Available Offers:

  • Basic Plan for $99: Single PDF questioning, 16 MB/PDF, 25 PDFs/day, 500 questions/day, 3 hours/month YouTube video length.
  • Plus Plan for $199: Single document questioning, 32 MB/PDF/DOCX/TXT/CSV, 25 PDF/DOCX/TXT/CSV/day, 1000 questions/day, 8 hours/month YouTube video length.
  • Premium Plan for $499: Group document questioning, 64 MB/PDF/DOCX/TXT/CSV, 50 PDF/DOCX/TXT/CSV/day, 1000 questions/day, 15 hours/month YouTube video length.