Chatbots & Messaging
Lifetime Deals

Goo.Chat Lifetime Deal,

Elevate your customer support with Goo.Chat! Streamline your support process and enhance the customer experience with this all-in-one messaging platform.

Goo.Chat is a versatile 4-in-1 solution that combines Live Chat, FAQ, ChatBot, and Video Tutorials into one convenient widget. This all-in-one tool eliminates the need to juggle multiple tabs to manage customer inquiries efficiently.

Major Highlights:

  • Real-Time Live Chat Included: Instantly engage with customers to boost conversions.
  • Embed Your Video Tutorials: Enhance customer understanding with video solutions.
  • User-Friendly FAQ Activated: Keep your FAQ section concise and up-to-date.
  • Drag And Drop Chatbot Builder: Customize your chatbot to suit your business needs.

Use Cases:

  • Provide instant support to customers through live chat.
  • Educate customers with video tutorials for better retention.
  • Answer common questions efficiently with an activated FAQ section.
  • Customize chatbots to streamline workflows and enhance user experience.

Deal Pricing:

  • Standard Plan: $39 for 1 domain, up to 6 operators, and more features.
  • Pro Plan: $79 for 1 domain, up to 8 operators, advanced editor, and additional integrations.