Content Marketing
AI Deals

Learnitive Lifetime Deal, ⚡ AI-Powered E-Learning Platform

Supercharge your e-learning with Learnitive Lifetime Deal! AI-powered platform creates Copyscaped text, programming codes, and vector illustrations effortlessly.

Learnitive AI is an innovative tool designed to help users create and learn interactively. The tool offers a range of features that make it a valuable asset for learners of all levels. Here are the major highlights of Learnitive AI:

  • Learnitive AI Writer: Generate AI content and codes, review spelling and grammar, detect plagiarism, and suggest replacements for errors.
  • Learnitive Widgets: Research, write, and learn from AI-generated content, autocomplete sentences, and improve writing quality with automatic paraphrasing.
  • Learnitive Projects: Manage writing tasks with Kanban boards, calendars, notes, and tools designed for power users.
  • Learnitive API: Easily connect your platform with Learnitive AI for fast content creation without worrying about costs.
  • Learnitive WP Plugin: Access Learnitive AI within WordPress for enhanced content creation capabilities.

Major Highlights

  • AI text – Unlimited words per month
  • Unlimited Kanbans, todos, calendar, and notes
  • Unlimited code playgrounds
  • Unlimited vector drawing
  • Unlimited Pexels images search and embed
  • 100+ AI prompts + Copyscape feature
  • Premium AI writer with learning assistant
  • Private share + PDF exports
  • Premium WordPress plugin
  • MS Office integration
  • Browser integrations: Chrome and Firefox
  • Store up to 50 articles or books

Use Cases

  • Content creation for blogs, websites, and social media
  • Research and writing assistance for academic projects
  • Code generation and optimization for developers
  • Collaborative writing and project management for teams
  • Enhancing writing skills and learning new concepts interactively

🎁 Get the Learnitive lifetime deal for $49 with the mentioned features.