Lifetime Deals
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Linkly Lifetime Deal, 🔗 Effortlessly Build Legit Backlinks

Effortlessly build legitimate backlinks with Linkly, a curated backlink marketplace. Increase your website's visibility and click-through rates with this powerful tool. Discover new link-building opportunities today.

Linkly Marketplace is an online tool that combines Site Research & Prospecting in a single dashboard. With Link Vault, users can view sites with 23 parameters to find backlink-worthy opportunities. It provides manually curated opportunities, ensuring only white hat sites without spam or links to porn or illicit content are included.

Another feature of Linkly Marketplace is the Link Manager dashboard. After accepting a link in Link Vault, it appears in the Backlink Manager. Users can view information and guidelines on how to create the backlink, as well as give access to team members to execute the process. Additionally, guest blogs can be submitted directly from this dashboard.

Linkly Marketplace also offers Essential Tools, including an inbuilt link exchange system. Users can exchange backlinks by communicating from a single dashboard. The tool provides a Link Monitor that informs users if any links have been removed. The Link Giver Admin feature allows users to review, approve, or reject incoming requests for exchange or paid backlinks. The Shared Workspace feature enables users to invite teammates and provide them with access to specific dashboards. Furthermore, users can register their sites in My Sites & Links, allowing other Linkly community members to find their site.

Now, let's look at the available offers and pricing for Linkly. The Linkly lifetime deal is priced at $69 and includes features such as unlimited acceptance of incoming link exchange requests, unlimited verified domains and link exchange posts, link exchange sites visible with a DR <=25, and the ability to send up to 55 link exchange requests through Linkly every month. It also includes all paid backlinks and visibility of all free guest blog sites, as well as link monitoring for all links created with Linkly.

There are two additional plans available. Plan 2, priced at $138, includes all the features mentioned above, as well as all link exchange sites, the ability to send up to 125 link exchange requests per month, and a 5% discount on all paid backlinks. Plan 3, priced at $207, includes all the features of Plan 2, along with the ability to send up to 250 link exchange requests per month and a 10% discount on all paid backlinks.

For users who require even more features, they can stack up to 10 codes to get everything mentioned above, plus the ability to send up to 2,000 link exchange requests per month, all paid backlinks at a 10% discount, visibility of all free guest blog sites, link monitoring for all links created with Linkly, and a team size of 40. This comprehensive package is available for $690.

In conclusion, Linkly Marketplace is a powerful online tool that provides users with the necessary features to streamline their backlinking and link exchange processes. With its intuitive dashboard and various tools, Linkly offers a convenient and efficient solution for managing and executing backlink strategies.