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Player FM Lifetime Deal | Access 50+ Million Podcast Episodes

Player FM: The ultimate podcast player and library. Search, discover, and save podcasts effortlessly. Maximize your podcast experience with our powerful tool.

Player FM is a top independent podcast player and podcast library that allows listeners around the world to search, discover, save, and listen to over 50+ million podcast episodes. It is available on various devices such as iPhone, Android, web, Apple Watch, and Apple CarPlay. With Player FM, users can explore a wide range of podcast genres, including news & politics, entertainment, technology, sports, comedy, music, education, and more. The platform's library is regularly updated, ensuring users have access to the latest shows and episodes.

Major Highlights

  • Offline Listening & Multi-Device Sync: Enjoy podcasts without WiFi and seamlessly switch between devices.
  • Playlists & Bookmarks: Organize shows and mark favorite episodes for easy retrieval.
  • Podcast Categories & Personal Search: Categorize shows by genre and mood, and quickly locate episodes.
  • Discover & Social Sharing: Stay updated on popular and trending shows, and share episodes with friends.
  • Turbo Fetch: Instant episode updates and customizable themes with a Premium Membership.
  • Cloud Sync: Consistent podcast experience across all devices.
  • Space Saver: Compress downloaded episodes to save storage space without compromising audio quality.
  • Relax & Sleep: Explore a library of relaxing sleep sounds and set a sleep timer.

Use Cases

  • Listening to podcasts during commutes or relaxation time.
  • Organizing shows and easily accessing favorite episodes.
  • Discovering new shows based on genres and moods.
  • Staying updated on popular and trending shows.
  • Sharing favorite episodes with friends.
  • Customizing themes and app icons for a personalized experience.

What's Included in the Deal

The Player FM lifetime deal is available for $39.99 and includes the following features:

  • Offline Listening: Enjoy podcasts without the need for an internet connection.
  • Multi-Device Sync: Sync playlists, play history, and resume playback across all devices.
  • Playlists & Bookmarks: Organize shows and episodes with time-stamped bookmarks.
  • Podcast Categories: Categorize shows by genre and mood for easy selection.
  • Turbo Fetch: Get instant updates on the latest episodes.
  • Personal Search: Easily locate shows and episodes from subscriptions and playlists.
  • Cloud Sync: Access favorite podcasts across all devices.
  • Space Saver: Compress downloaded episodes while maintaining audio quality.
  • Relax & Sleep: Explore a library of relaxing sleep sounds for a peaceful night's rest.
  • Sleep Timer: Set a timer to automatically stop playback while falling asleep.
  • Discover: Stay updated on popular and trending shows.
  • Social: Like and share favorite episodes with others.
  • Theme Editor: Customize the app's theme and sync it across devices.
  • Custom App Icons: Choose from 9 unique app icons to match your home screen.

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