Sales & Marketing
Lifetime Deals
AI Deals

Prooflander Lifetime Deal,

Prooflander Lifetime Deal: Build trust, create urgency, boost conversions by 10% in 10 minutes. Show visitors your website's activities.

Notification Preview:

  • Informational: Fully customizable informational message for your users.
  • Coupon: The best way to let your users know that you are running a sale.
  • Live Counter: Show your visitors how many people are on your site to create more trust.
  • Email Collector: Easily collect emails and generate leads from your users.
  • Latest Conversion: Establish social proof by displaying your most recent conversions on your site.
  • Conversions Counter: Establish social proof by showing how many recent conversions you’ve got.
  • Video: Easily display a small widget with an informative YouTube video.
  • Social Share: Let others share your content and generate more traffic for you.
  • Random Review: Display a random review/testimonial from your clients to create social proof.
  • Emoji Feedback: An interactive way for your users to give you feedback about your site.
  • Cookie Notification: Notify your users that you are using cookies on your site.
  • Score Feedback: The easiest way for your users to give you score feedback.
  • Request Collector: Collecting leads has never been easier with the request collector.
  • Countdown Collector: Create urgency/FOMO with a countdown timer and an input for lead generation.

🎁 Get the Prooflander lifetime deal for $14 with the following features:

  • Silver Lifetime Deal Plan
  • 10K Unique Visitors per Month
  • 10 Campaigns
  • 25 Notifications
  • Unlimited Sites
  • Unlimited Access per Lifetime
  • API Access
  • Powerful Analytics
  • Integrations

🎁 For $24, Get the lifetime license Tier-2 with everything above +

  • Essential Lifetime Deal Plan
  • 25K Unique Visitors per Month
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Access to all notifications
  • No Ads
  • Removable Branding
  • Custom Branding

🎁 For $34, Get the lifetime license Tier-3 with everything above +

  • Plus Lifetime Deal Plan
  • 50k Unique Visitors per Month

🎁 For $54, Get the lifetime license Tier-4 with everything above +

  • Premium Lifetime Deal Plan
  • 100k Unique Visitors per Month