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Lifetime Deals

Soundwise Lifetime Deal,

Easily create and sell audio products online with Soundwise Lifetime Deal. Build a loyal community of listeners effortlessly. Get started now!

Soundwise is an all-in-one platform that allows you to create, price, and deliver your audio products seamlessly. Simply upload your audio, set your pricing, share your landing page, and start earning money. The user-friendly online dashboard lets you manage all your content, pricing, and subscriber lists in one place.

Major Highlights:

  • Unlimited soundcasts
  • Unlimited listeners for public soundcasts (both paid and free)
  • 1 podcast feed attached to a public soundcast
  • 50 listener seats for private soundcasts
  • Unlimited promo codes
  • No transaction fees (excluding Stripe payment process fees)
  • Sell subscriptions, rentals, and bundles
  • Access to trial feature
  • Companion material for your audio content
  • Manual listener import option
  • Engage with a listener community
  • 1 admin account for easy management

Use Cases:

  • Create and sell various audio products like courses, podcasts, and more
  • Build your email list and generate leads through your audio content
  • Provide exclusive content to private soundcast listeners
  • Offer subscriptions, rentals, and bundles to cater to different audience preferences
  • Engage with your audience through companion material and community features

Available offer: Soundwise offers a comprehensive deal package at a price of $49 per month. This includes all the features mentioned above, with no additional transaction fees. Use coupon code ""SOUNDWISEDEAL"" to avail a 15% discount on your first month subscription.