Lead Generation
Lifetime Deals

Subscribers Lifetime Deal,

Increase website traffic with smarter web push notifications. Get 4x the conversion rate of email. Lifetime deal available for subscribers.

Web push notifications are a modern channel of communication between site owners and visitors. These notifications are delivered directly to visitors' screens, bypassing inboxes and messaging apps. One tool that provides this service is Subscribers.

Major Highlights:

  • Set Your Notifications On Auto-Pilot: Ensure important marketing messages are sent on time automatically.
  • Welcome Drip Series: Send welcome messages directly to subscribers' desktops to drive traffic and increase CTR.
  • Segment Your Messaging: Customize messages based on geolocation, device, browser, and behavior.
  • Automation: Schedule push notifications in advance to focus on important tasks.
  • Behavior Triggers: Set up automated pushes based on specific triggers like abandoned carts or product sales.

Use Cases:

  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Send reminders or incentives to recover lost sales.
  • Announce Inventory Changes: Notify customers when prices drop or products are back in stock.
  • Trending Products: Keep customers informed about new and popular products.

Deal Pricing and Features:

  • $149 lifetime plan includes 15,000 subscribers, unlimited push notifications, and basic customer support.
  • $249 lifetime plan includes 30,000 subscribers, advanced customer support, and all features of the Silver plan.
  • $349 lifetime plan includes 50,000 subscribers, API access, and features of the Silver and Gold plans.