AI Deals

Typora Lifetime Deal,

Write high-quality content effortlessly with Typora, an open-source text editor. Easily format plaintext documents on any platform. Don't miss out on this lifetime deal!

Typora is a versatile online tool that provides a distraction-free writing and reading experience. By eliminating unnecessary features like preview windows and mode switchers, Typora allows users to focus solely on their content. With a seamless live preview feature, users can see exactly what their document will look like in real-time.

Major Highlights:

  • Distractions Free interface
  • Seamless Live Preview
  • What You See Is What You Mean


  • Organize Files easily with file tree panel and articles side panel
  • Outline Panel displays document structure for quick navigation
  • Import & Export feature supports various formats like PDF, docx, and Epub
  • Word Count feature shows document size in words, characters, lines, or reading minutes
  • Focus Mode & TypeWriter Mode for enhanced focus
  • Auto Pair function for brackets, quotes, and markdown symbols

Use Cases:

  • Writing and editing documents with ease
  • Organizing files efficiently
  • Exporting documents in different formats
  • Tracking document size and reading time
  • Maintaining focus while writing
  • Autocompleting brackets and quotes for coding

🎁 Get the Typora lifetime deal for $14.99, including features like Outline panel, easy-to-use file manager, Focus Mode, Auto pair, Syntax highlighting, Code fences, Custom themes, and Live preview.