Lead Generation
Sales & Marketing
Lifetime Deals

useArtemis Lifetime Deal,

Find B2B contact details, emails, and phone numbers effortlessly with Artemis Lifetime Deal. Boost sales team productivity and grow your business.

Are you tired of spending hours searching for leads? Look no further, as useArtemis is here to revolutionize your lead generation process. This powerful tool allows you to extract and enrich leads from various sources, making it easier than ever to find potential clients for your business.

Major Highlights:

  • Extract & enrich leads from anywhere, including LinkedIn search results and Facebook Group members
  • Reveal contact details on LinkedIn profiles with the useArtemis Chrome extension
  • Built-in Real-Time Search Engine for B2B sales leads, including prospecting platform, domain email finder, and bulk enrichment

Use Cases:

  • Streamline your lead generation process by exporting LinkedIn search results and Facebook Group members
  • Easily find new leads and enrich contact information using the Real-Time search engine
  • Utilize the LinkedIn Chrome Extension for enhanced lead generation capabilities

Deal Pricing and Features:
Get the useArtemis lifetime deal for $69, which includes:

  • Access to 500M+ database of B2B contact details
  • LinkedIn Chrome Extension
  • Search by job title, company name, location, and more
  • Storage of contact information in useArtemis lists
  • Export data to a CSV file
  • 7,000 credits added to your account monthly
  • Prospect platform, domain search, email verifier, and bulk enrichment
  • Unlimited lists and exports
  • Premium support
  • LinkedIn outreach campaigns and cold emailing tools coming soon

Don't miss out on this amazing offer to supercharge your lead generation efforts with useArtemis. Stack up to 5 codes for additional credits and unlock the full potential of this innovative solution.