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Lifetime Deals

Your ERP Lifetime Deal, 🤖 Business ERP Software

Maximize profits and minimize hassle with Your ERP Lifetime Deal. AI-driven software redefines business efficiency for ultimate success.

Redefine Business Efficiency with Your AI-Driven ERP, the ultimate integrated platform that maximizes profits and minimizes hassle. Unlike other ERPs, Your AI-driven hub brings every department under one roof—HR, CRM, POS, Customer Support, and more—intuitively designed to eliminate operational bottlenecks.

Major Highlights:

  • Dashboard Overview: Experience the power of Your ERP’s comprehensive dashboard, consolidating critical data for swift decisions. Access Clients, Users, Invoices, Projects, and estimations to Leads, Deals, and items, all in one view. Monitor Estimates, Invoices, Payments, Projects, and Tasks effortlessly.
  • Manage Staff: Efficiently handle employee and client data through user-friendly options. Edit, manage, and filter staff details by department and designation.
  • Assign Roles to Each Staff: Empower your team using our multi-user accounting tool. Manage permissions for streamlined access control.
  • Employee Management: Streamline HR tasks through our comprehensive HR section. Manage Attendance, Leaves, Meetings, and more. Effectively handle Awards, Transfers, and Promotions, while tracking training and performance.
  • Payroll: Simplify salary management with our Payroll module. Set salaries and generate bulk payments using the payslip feature.
  • Performance Module (Indicator, Appraisal & Goal Tracking): Evaluate Designation-based performance across competencies. Set, track, and manage goals efficiently.
  • Contract Module: Efficiently document contract details, including type, value, and duration.
  • Leads Management: Track leads through Kanban and List views. Create pipelines, assign stages, and manage leads with detailed information.
  • Deal Management: Efficiently manage deals using Kanban or List view. Gain insights into weekly, monthly, and 30-day deals. Assign Tasks, Products, Files, and Users. Manage discussions and notes, view deals in a calendar format.

Use Cases:

  • Streamline business operations
  • Improve team collaboration
  • Enhance decision-making processes
  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Simplify HR and payroll management

🎁 Get the Your ERP lifetime deal for $69 with 5 Users, Unlimited Customers, 5 Vendors, Unlimited Clients, Unlimited MB Storage, and enabled features for Account, CRM, HRM, Project, and POS.